The Hindu Vocab - 31 July 2024
The Hindu Vocab के द्वारा इस पोस्ट में 10 महत्वपूर्ण Vocabulary विस्तार से दी गई है जो आपके English ज्ञान को बढ़ाने में महत्वपूर्ण साबित होंगी। यह पोस्ट TheHinduVocab.Com वेबसाइट पर रोज़ाना सुबह जल्दी प्रदान की जाती है। जिसे आप वहीं पर पढ़ सकते हैं या फिर PDF के रूप में भी डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।
In this post by The Hindu Vocab, 10 important Vocabulary has been given in detail which will prove to be important in increasing your English knowledge. This post is provided daily early in the morning on TheHinduVocab.Com website. Which you can read there or you can also download it in PDF form.
Meaning: शानदार - Having, worthy of, or bringing fame or admiration.
Synonyms: Splendid, Magnificent, Superb, Wonderful, Excellent, Marvelous, Brilliant, Sublime, Radiant, Resplendent
Antonyms: Inglorious, Disgraceful, Shameful, Humiliating, Dismal, Undignified, Unremarkable, Inferior, Mediocre, Pathetic
Example Sentence: The sunset was a glorious sight to behold.
Meaning: चौंका देना- To shock or surprise someone so much that they are temporarily unable to react
Synonyms: Astonish, Amaze, Shock, Bewilder, Daze, Overwhelm, Stupefy, Flabbergast, Dumbfound, Astound
Antonyms: Calm, Compose, Pacify, Soothe, Tranquilize, Reassure, Encourage, Comfort, Support, Awaken
Example Sentence: The news of his sudden departure stunned everyone.
Meaning: विशाल- Enormous in size, extent, or quantity.
Synonyms: Huge, Enormous, Gigantic, Immense, Colossal, Massive, Mammoth, Vast, Titanic, Tremendous
Antonyms: Tiny, Small, Petite, Miniature, Little, Modest, Minor, Diminutive, Slight, Insignificant
Example Sentence: The buffet offered a gargantuan feast for everyone.
Meaning: प्रवासी समुदाय- The dispersion of any people from their original homeland
Synonyms: Dispersion, Displacement, Scattering, Exile, Migration, Emigration, Disbandment, Exodus, Dislocation, Spread
Antonyms: Homogeneity, Congregation, Gathering, Cluster, Concentration, Localization, Unity, Solitude, Isolation, Settlement
Example Sentence: The Jewish diaspora has communities all around the world.
Meaning: छीनना- To quickly seize something in a rude or eager way
Synonyms: Grab, Seize, Grasp, Take, Swipe, Pluck, Clutch, Nab, Yank, Pinch
Antonyms: Give, Offer, Release, Return, Yield, Relinquish, Surrender, Donate, Bestow, Present
Example Sentence: He managed to snatch the book from her hands.
Meaning: आश्चर्यजनक- Extremely impressive
Synonyms: Amazing, Astounding, Astonishing, Extraordinary, Incredible, Marvelous, Phenomenal, Remarkable, Wonderful, Fantastic
Antonyms: Ordinary, Average, Mediocre, Unimpressive, Dull, Unremarkable, Boring, Insignificant, Mundane, Common
Example Sentence: The acrobat's performance was simply stupendous.
Meaning: आत्मसमर्पण- The action of surrendering or ceasing to resist an opponent or demand.
Synonyms: Surrender, Submission, Yielding, Concession, Defeat, Giving in, Caving, Compliance, Relinquishment, Resignation
Antonyms: Resistance, Defiance, Rebellion, Defiance, Defense, Combat, Struggle, Contest, Confrontation, Persistence
Example Sentence: The city's capitulation marked the end of the siege.
Meaning: सहायक- Making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.
Synonyms: Favorable, Beneficial, Advantageous, Helpful, Encouraging, Propitious, Supportive, Promoting, Contributive, Aiding
Antonyms: Unfavorable, Inhospitable, Unhelpful, Detrimental, Harmful, Obstructive, Counterproductive, Hindering, Unproductive, Unconducive
Example Sentence: A quiet environment is conducive to study.
Meaning: खुरदरा- Of a substance or material) capable of polishing or cleaning a hard surface by rubbing or grinding
Synonyms: Harsh, Rough, Coarse, Rasping, Gritty, Scratchy, Caustic, Cutting, Grinding, Severe
Antonyms: Smooth, Gentle, Soft, Polished, Mild, Kind, Soothing, Pleasing, Tender, Agreeable
Example Sentence: The abrasive cleaner worked well on the tough stains.
Meaning: लचीला- Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions
Synonyms: Tough, Strong, Hardy, Flexible, Elastic, Durable, Tenacious, Adaptable, Buoyant, Robust
Antonyms: Fragile, Weak, Inflexible, Brittle, Rigid, Vulnerable, Delicate, Unyielding, Stiff, Frail
Example Sentence: Despite the setbacks, she remained resilient and optimistic.
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